How to Create a Warm and Cozy Winter Interiors

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How to Create a Warm and Cozy Winter Interiors

Brrrr … Winter Has Arrived!

Winter is here, and with it brings the shortest days, the longest nights, as well as the lowest temperatures of all other seasons! Time to bundle up and make your home warm and cozy during this time of year!

Prepping Your Home!

  • Fireplace Inspection: Before you start using your fireplace to create a cozy atmosphere, it’s important to get a yearly inspection for any type of structural issues, obstructions, damage, or even chemical buildup! Remember you want Santa to visit, not the fire department!
  • Window & Door Seals: Window and door seals act as a barrier between your window or door and its frame to prevent cold air from coming in. If you feel any type of breeze or draft, now is the time to fix the seal! You can use weatherstripping, caulking, or even window insulation kits!
  • Reverse Ceiling Fan: In the winter, set your ceiling fan to spin clockwise so it pushes warm air down and cool air up, creating an updraft that circulates the air. This helps to evenly distribute heat throughout the room, especially in rooms with high ceilings!

Decor Tips!

  • Plush Cozy Furniture: Time to get out the thick knitted blankets, fuzzy blankets, and pillows! You can change out your pillow covers for ones that are thicker and warmer to create a cozy space!
  • Seasonal Tablescapes: Make your home more festive with custom tablescapes! Use things like garlands, decorative table runners, candles, or even some little tree ornaments along the middle. Maybe even some fake snow—anything you can think of using to create a fun setting that draws attention!
  • Layered Lighting: Layered lighting uses three different lighting techniques to brighten a room entirely. Adding base layers and accents creates different dimensions and textures, which helps build an aesthetically pleasing and functional space! Try putting up some twinkle lights on the stair railing or on top of the fireplace!

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from all of us here at A4 Group Construction Services Inc.!

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