Outdoor Living- How to Design The Perfect Outdoor Space

Designing your ideal outdoor space

The Warm Weather Has Arrived- So Let’s Talk About Creating The Best Outdoor Space For All Of Your Needs!

Designing an outdoor space can be difficult to start when all you can currently see is an empty lot full of grass. That’s why we want to go over the steps of choosing where to place your outdoor area, what you should include, and ways that you can add your own details and style to the overall design.

LayoutDecks vs Patios
Starting your layout can have several elements to consider- to begin, the decision has to be made on whether you want to build a patio or deck. These usually are in connection to the backdoor through either an immediate doorway or walkway. When deciding on a patio vs a deck there are several things that need to be considered when it comes to installation, cost, and maintenance. So let’s break it down!

When it comes to building, patios generally cost less than decks as decks typically have a higher upfront cost than patios. This is because stone and concrete for patios is generally much cheaper than wood. Deck construction is also more expensive and can sometimes require a permit. While patios are often less expensive they still have costly factors such as leveling out the land, along with labor costs. When it comes to maintenance for decks, they are higher due to aspects such as the wood needing to be stained and resealed every few years as they are at risk of being damaged due to outdoor elements and wood-boring insects like termites. The one benefit of decks that patios don’t have, is that the return on investment is often up to 44% and will boost your homes overall value.
With patios, they tend to be much more low maintenance because of the cost of stone and gravel along with the life-expectancy since they are extremely durable. They can last for decades while needing minimal cleaning such as sweeping and/or power-washing. Patios can also be designed with different materials which can allow for more dynamic design options.

Depending on what you want to utilize your yard for is the next step in decision making. Are you someone who entertains a lot? Do you like you barbeque? The list can go on, depending on how you want to use this space. This is where deciding on how much space you want to take up for either a patio or deck is made. So keep in mind factors such as how much open grass you want there to be, and what else you might plan to do in your yard one day, examples being adding in a pool or hot tub, or even deciding to add a garden.

Where you place everything can have a big affect on the overall experience you have in this area. This next step is figuring out the direction you get the most sun exposure, the wind patterns and even the placement of vegetation like trees or bushes. When it comes to sun exposure there are a few things to consider, one is the amount of sun exposure you’d like, or dislike. This can lead to adding in products that keep the sun off such as gazebos, awnings, canopy’s or even umbrellas. The next step is wind patterns, here in Canada we have mostly westerly winds that develop. This is a great thing to keep in mind for placement of products so that you can control the amount of wind comes at you into your area. It’s great to take into consideration if there are any trees in the area that might be in the way of any building ideas or if you can utilize them into your design.

comfort- furniture
Outdoor furniture comes in all shapes and sizes, and there’s a variety of different materials and colours to choose from. Depending on what you’d like in your space there’s also some things to take into consideration before buying. To begin, price is every important and often than not many places expenses depend on the time of year and what’s trending, as well as what materials the product is made from. Buying in the off season is often less expensive and sometimes even on sale at your local home stores. Keeping this in mind, it’s important to have materials that can either handle the outdoor elements such as rain and sun exposure. This should also be taken into account for winter if you don’t have a place for storage. Some examples of materials that can handle Canada’s summer elements are, aluminum, wrought iron, synthetic wicker, teak and even treated wood. Now when it comes to deciding on the colour schemes for your outdoor furniture remember that the darker the colour the more it attracts and holds in the heat form the sun.

If you plan on using this space at night it’s always great to come up with different lighting styles depending on the area. This can range from specific task lighting such as a censor light for when you’re using the backdoor, lights that brighten up the space such as fairy or string lights. Depending on how you use the space, lighting can add a type of ambiance that can set the tone for your overall vibe. LED lights are recommended as they are better overall with electricity consumption, with brightness and because they are long-lasting. Another idea for outdoor lighting is to use solar lights. With solar lights you can save on money and energy as these types of lighting get charged with the power of the sun. In fact, these lights can still get charged and work on cloudy days or in areas with partial shade. The solar panel will still collect energy from the sun even if it is not exposed directly.

Picking a style for your outdoor space can sometimes be overwhelming, so sometimes it’s easier to make that decision based on what pieces you would like to use. This depends on what this space is used for, an example can be lounging furniture for outdoor relaxing or reading, chair sets for entertaining, or even an outdoor bar with stools. From here you can group together everything with different pillow sets or themed items. There are many different outdoor accessories that you can choose from such as built in fireplaces, seat cushions, plants and pots, outdoor signs, the list goes on. This part is where you can express yourself through colours and items that complete the outdoor space.

We hope we helped you with designing the perfect outdoor space!

A4 Group Construction Services INC

Author: Julia Baker

A4 Group

